The days are getting colder, leaves are falling from the trees and there’s bloody pumpkin spice everywhere – it must be #Comptober!
You read about it in the papers all the time – ‘Competition-mad mum wins £100,000 in one year’ and it has always got me thinking… really?! Could you quit your job, enter some competitions and live a life of luxury?!
This kind of thing appeals to me – as someone who likes something for nothing. With a bit of effort, could you theoretically pay for your Christmas with competitions?
It’s Comptober!
So it’s a few days overdue but I’ve decided that for every single day of October, I’m going to spend about an hour entering competitions.
It would be easy to spend a lot longer doing it, but at this point anyway – I think an hour is about a reasonable amount of time.
How to enter competitions – cleverly
If you want to be a proper ‘comper’ you need a bit of a plan, because just searching online for the odd competition isn’t going to be the best use of your time.
So I’ve found the best way to find your competitions is in the MoneySavingExpert Competitions forum. It has THOUSANDS of competition links with the answers there – so it shouldn’t take you more than 30 seconds to enter a competition.
When you first start, I’d literally go to the 50th page (rather than starting on the first) because those competitions are likely to end sooner.
Also make sure your computer automatically fills in your name/address etc (Chrome has a plug-in) because if it all gets filled in for you – a competition entry takes no time
Comping top tips
- I’d suggest setting up a new email account just for comping because otherwise, you’re main one is going to have a lot of spam and newsletters getting in your way.
- People have suggested getting a dummy phone number so they don’t get a load of marketing calls. I’m not going to do that – but totally understand why some would. (I don’t bloody pick up the phone anyway!)
- So when I worked at Student Money Saver, they’d run competitions on Facebook and Twitter all the time. So I noticed that when they pick winners, they try to pick someone who doesn’t seem like a ‘comper’ they want to give the prize to someone who really wants it – so if you can be bothered, write a little comment so you don’t look like a bot.
So fingers crossed eh? I don’t know if i’m going to win loads – or nothing! Will keep you updated.
Let me know if you are joining in with #Comptober and tell me if you win anything.